Deadlines and Exam Dates
2022-2023 Calendar of AIM Deadlines and Exam Dates Word Document
SWIC Deadline Dates
Sun., Jan. 15 – AIM Repertoire substitution requests due to Stephanie Myers,
Wed., Jan. 11, Midnight deadline – Level 3-12 Theory Registrations due to the following: Student
Registration & Fee Form to Deborah Meier along with a check for the total fees. Teacher Judging Form
and a second copy of the Student Registration & Fee Form to LeAnn Halvorson. Forms are available in
the AIM Supplement and on the website
Sat./Sun., Feb. 11 & 12 – AIM Level 3-12 Theory Exams. Saturday exams are 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
1:30-5:00 p.m. Sunday exams are 1:30-5:00 p.m.
Wed., March 8, Midnight deadline – AIM Repertoire Forms due. Forms are available in the AIM
Supplement and on the website. Send SWIC forms to: Mary Anderson (postal mail only: 342 N. 43 rd St.,
Belleville, IL 62226), or email to Deb Meier or Ruth Stith.
Wed., Mar. 15, Midnight deadline – AIM Levels 1-12 Performance Registrations due to the
following: Student Registration and the Teacher Judging Form to Joan Witte. Student Registration & Fee
form along with a check for the total fees for levels 1 & 2 only to Deborah Meier, 626 Lillian,
Collinsville, IL 62234. Forms are available in the AIM Supplement and on the website.
Sat./Sun., Apr. 29 & 30 – AIM Performance Exams, all levels. Saturday exams are 9:00 a.m.-12:30
p.m. and 1:30-5:00 p.m. Sunday exams are 1:30-5:00 p.m.
SIUE Deadline Dates
Sun., Jan. 15 – AIM Repertoire substitution requests due to Stephanie Myers, hisamimyers@gmail.com.
Wed., Jan. 25, Midnight deadline – Level 3-12 Theory Registrations due to the following: Student
Registration & Fee Form to Deborah Meier, 626 Lillian, Collinsville, IL 62234, along with a check for
the total fees. Send a second copy of Student Registration & Fee Form to Huei Li Chin. Forms are
available in the AIM Supplement and on the website.
Sat., Feb. 18 – AIM Level 3-12 Theory Exams.
Wed., March 22, Midnight deadline – AIM Repertoire Forms due. Forms are available in the AIM
Supplement and on the website. Send SIUE forms to Huei Li Chin. Confirm all dates with Huei Li Chin.
Wed., Mar. 29, Midnight deadline – AIM Levels 1-12 Performance Registrations due to the
following: Student Registration & Fee Form to Deborah Meier, 626 Lillian, Collinsville, IL 62234, along
with a check for the total fees for levels 1 & 2 only. Send a second copy of Student Registration & Fee
Form to Huei Li Chin. Forms are available in the AIM Supplement and on the website. Confirm all dates
with Huei Li Chin.
Sat., Apr. 22 – AIM Performance Exams, all levels. 12:30-4:30 p.m. Confirm all dates and times with
Huei Li Chin